Athletics is a great tool to build Christian character, to teach discipline and to learn to face adversity and challenges with a steady eye, a courageous spirit and reliance upon the ultimate authority, Jesus Christ. Athletics is a form of worship and our number one goal is building men and women of godly character in our athletic programs.
Cypress Christian School involves its student-athletes in interscholastic sports in order to, first and foremost, glorify and honor God with the talents and abilities He has given. We also believe athletics is a great tool to build Christian character, teach discipline, and to learn to face adversity and challenges with a steady eye, a courageous spirit and reliance upon the ultimate authority, Jesus Christ. Athletics is a form of worship and our number one goal is building men and women of godly character in our athletic programs. While each sport is unique in how it carries out our philosophy, all of our sports follow a biblical model for competing.
If we are going to worship God through athletics, then we must pursue excellence at all times.