CCS PARENT Dashboard


Our secure parents’ portal that allows parents to view academic information, order elementary lunches, view tuition and incidental accounts and more, specific to their children


Schoology is our learning management system for students in grades 1-12

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Printable 2024-2025 Academic Calendar

Holidays and other important school-wide dates

School Calendar

Performances, competitions and all other student and parent events

Athletic Calendar

All middle school and high school Warrior games, athletic events and locations

2025-2026 Re-enrollment Information

The protected discounted re-enrollment period for current families is January 8-22, 2025.

Parent Quick Facts

Please call the school at 281.469.8829 or email the Elementary Receptionist or Secondary Receptionist by 8:30 a.m. on days when your child is ill or will be unexpectedly absent from school.

Cypress Christian School is pleased to offer the After School Program to serve our TK-eighth grade CCS families.

Our mission is to provide safe, supervised care in a loving Christian environment. Children will be grouped by grade categories and engaged in activities that will encourage creativity and social interactions.

For a student to participate in athletics at Cypress Christian School, forms at the link below must be completed and submitted electronically prior to the first practice. Do not give forms to athlete’s coach.

One parent AND the player must read and sign the code of conduct in the Athletic Section of the CCS Combined Policies Handbook, the Acknowledgment of Rules for middle school or high school and Athletic Physical form.

Thank you for considering a donation to Cypress Christian School athletics programs. Donations are vital to the life of any quality athletic program and we appreciate your support.

2024-2025 Carpool Procedures

Middle school students report to the West Gym from carpool drop-off no earlier than 7:30 a.m. High school students report to first period classrooms. Teachers supervise students until they begin their school day. For the safety of all, parents are not permitted to park their vehicle and walk their child(ren) onto campus. Student supervision begins at 7:30 a.m. The school does not provide supervision for students who are dropped off before that time.

After drop-off, students will report as follows:

  • Transitional kindergarten and kindergarten students go to the Elementary Lunchroom
  • First, second and third grade students go to the Secondary Lunchroom
  • Fourth and fifth grade students go to the West Gym Foyer
  • Middle school students will go to the West Gym
  • High school students will go to first period classrooms

After drop-off, students will report as follows:

Carpool tags are mandatory, will be assigned to all families and distributed during Open House on Tuesday, August 15.

The school’s dress code is designed to a) promote the decorum and dignity of our academic mission, b) promote unity of purpose within the student body and c) support biblical principles of modesty and distinction of genders. Supporting the school and coming to school each day with clothing in compliance with the dress code is the responsibility of both the student and the parent. Dress code violations will be recorded and repeated violations will result in appropriate disciplinary action.

Students are required to purchase all uniform pieces (shirts, blouses, pants, shorts, jumpers, skirts, etc.) through FlynnO’Hara or Lands’ End School Uniforms. Students may wear blue jeans or uniform bottoms and CCS spirit wear on Fridays.

FACTS Family Portal is a private and secure parents’ portal that allows parents to view academic information specific to their children, while protecting their children’s information from others. Family Portal can be used to: see your child’s grades, attendance, homework and conduct; access a variety of posted school information; communicate with teachers; order school lunches; and access your FACTS tuition account to view your payment plan, scheduled payment dates, funding source and incidental billing.

Elementary – FACTS SIS is used for attendance, conduct, grade book and lunch ordering.

Middle School – FACTS SIS is used for attendance, conduct, grade book, lesson plans, homework and lunch ordering.

High School – FACTS SIS is used for attendance, conduct, grade book, term grades and lunch ordering.

The Combined Policies Handbook is available through FACTS Family Portal > School > Resource Documents > Combined Policies Handbook 2024-2025. It includes the following sections:

  • General Parent/Student School Policies
  • Secondary Academic Policies
  • Elementary Academic Policies
  • Athletic Department Policies
  • Dress Code Policies

Please take time to review this important document, and feel free to contact your principal should you have any questions about school policies or procedures.

Please keep the following guidelines in mind when deciding whether or not to send your child to school. This will help control the spread of infectious diseases and allow your child to feel their best while at school.

  • If a student has a fever of 100 degrees or more, the student should stay home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal.
  • If a student has vomited or had diarrhea two times in a day, the student should stay home for 24 hours after the last episode.
  • If a student has any rash that may be disease-related or the cause is unknown, check with your family physician before sending the student to school.
  • If a student has a heavy, moist productive cough, chest congestion or discolored nasal drainage, check with your family physician before sending the student to school.

Thank you so much for your attention to this important matter concerning the health of our students.

All school lunches will be prepaid and charged to the FACTS Prepay Account. No cash will be accepted for lunches or snacks. Lunch service will begin on the first day of school, Wednesday, August 14, for elementary students and Thursday, August 15, for secondary students. Secondary students will receive free lunch on the first day of school (see below for details).

All elementary school lunches must be ordered in advance no later than Sunday evening for the entire upcoming school week. Secondary lunches will not be preordered.


Elementary Lunches

  • Students may bring a sack lunch with them to school or order a hot lunch in advance from our lunchroom through FACTS Family Portal. Hot lunches will be available beginning the first day of school, Wednesday, August 14, and may be ordered starting Monday, August 5.
  • The cost of hot lunches is $5.75 each and includes a drink. All elementary school lunches must be ordered in advance no later than Sunday evening for the entire upcoming school week and will be billed through the FACTS Prepay Account on the FACTS Family Portal. Please do not send cash with your student to pay for school lunches or snacks. 
  • Drinks and snacks will be available throughout the year for purchase for $0.75 each and will be paid through the FACTS Prepay Account.
  • Any lunches brought late, after the beginning of the school day, may be brought prior to the start of the student’s lunch period and should be placed on the late lunch table in the lobby of the Elementary Building to be picked up by the student. 
  • TK students will have a limited menu to order from since they will be eating lunch in the classroom this year. More information will be communicated to parents by email. These items will be advertised as TK-Only Options on the menu. 

Secondary Lunches

  • Students may bring a sack lunch with them to school or order a hot lunch in advance from our lunchroom through FACTS Family Portal. Hot lunches will be available beginning the first day of school, Wednesday, August 14, and may be ordered starting Monday, August 5.
  • The cost of hot lunches is $5.75 each and includes a drink. All elementary school lunches must be ordered in advance no later than Sunday evening for the entire upcoming school week and will be billed through the FACTS Prepay Account on the FACTS Family Portal. Please do not send cash with your student to pay for school lunches or snacks. 
  • Drinks and snacks will be available throughout the year for purchase for $0.75 each and will be paid through the FACTS Prepay Account.
  • Any lunches brought late, after the beginning of the school day, may be brought prior to the start of the student’s lunch period and should be placed on the late lunch table in the lobby of the Elementary Building to be picked up by the student. 
  • TK students will have a limited menu to order from since they will be eating lunch in the classroom this year. More information will be communicated to parents by email. These items will be advertised as TK-Only Options on the menu.


The Parent Service Organization (PSO) is an enrichment program eager to partner with volunteers who are excited to share their God-given gifts and talents with Cypress Christian School. Volunteers are essential throughout the school year to support the mission and directly impact the lives of students, faculty, staff and administrators.

Whether you are a seasoned family or brand new to the school, have a little time to give or a lot of time to give, there is a place for you to serve your fellow Warriors. The volunteer opportunities are endless. Below are just a few of the areas our families and friends can lend a hand.


Permit decals will be mailed to school families before the first day of school. These decals will serve as your preauthorized access to campus. Please remove and dispose of last year’s decals (if applicable). Place the new decal in the upper left of the driver’s side interior windshield (below the tint line, if applicable). In order to enter campus, please enter your access code on the touchscreen panel just outside the Jones Rd. entrance. The access code is available through FACTS Family Portal > School > Resource Documents > Gate Code Letter. More information on permit decals and campus vehicle procedures will be included in the mail-out.

  • To receive a student parking pass, junior and senior students and sophomores born in 2008 must complete the following:
    • Prior to August 13, complete the Student Vehicle Registration form located on FACTS Family Portal > School > Web Forms > Student Driver.
    • The student parking permit fee of $10 will be billed through the Family FACTS incidentals account.
    • Student parking permits may be picked up during Open House in the West Gym on August 13 from 1-3 p.m.
  • Students will not be allowed to park on campus without a student parking pass after Friday, August 16.

Pledge to the American Flag

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Pledge to the Texas Flag

Honor the Texas flag. I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.

Pledge to the Christian Flag

I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the Savior for whose Kingdom it stands. One Savior, crucified, buried, risen and coming again with life and liberty for all who believe.

Pledge to the Bible

I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word. I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I will hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against God.

In an effort to simplify the back-to-school process for parents, CCS will provide some of the school supplies for students in the 2024-2025 school year. 


In elementary school, CCS will provide school supply boxes for each student in TK through fifth grade. There is no need to order anything; we will have the supplies ready when school starts. 

  • Grades TK-5 – Parents are asked to provide a full-size backpack and water bottle for your student.
  • Grades 3-5 – In addition to the items listed for grades TK-5 above, parents are asked to provide an ESV bible and a no-bleed Bible highlighter.

Middle School & High School

In middle and high school, since it is harder to buy uniform supplies per grade, CCS will provide each student with those items generally required for school, including poster boards, notebook paper, index cards and highlighters. 

  • Grades 6-12—Parents will be asked to provide class-specific items for their students. The shortened list for middle school is below, and the shortened list for high school will be provided soon; however, we suggest that you wait until your child’s schedule is solidified and then purchase the necessary supplies.

Schoology is a learning management system where students and parents can access academic information specific to elementary students in grades 1-5, as well as middle and high school classes. Schoology can be used to view class notes, activities, calendar/lesson plans and to communicate with teachers. This platform is also used to house teacher instructional videos and other information that is important to access during a student’s absence. Schoology will be used daily in the classroom by all secondary on-campus and livestream students.

Service Hours Requirement

All high school students are encouraged to build a heart of worship through service to their community. A few examples of service include working along with adults in any church or community ministry, lawn/home/pet care for a family friend or a neighbor without pay, volunteering to work in the concession stand during a game or tournament, baking goodies for first responders, or writing letters to service personnel.  Note that service hours cannot be performed for family and no compensation should be received.

Students will use FACTS to track the number of service hours they have earned. High School students must complete 10 hours of service per semester for a total of 20 hours per year. Any graduating senior who has accumulated 200+ hours will be acknowledged at the graduation ceremony.

Service Hours Requirement

One goal of CCS is to help develop godly individuals who are usable for God’s service in His church and in the world. All students are encouraged to develop Christ-like character as they practice serving those around them. 

In order to build the habit of service, all middle school students are required to log at least five service hours each semester. A few examples of service include working along with adults in any church or community ministry, lawn/home/pet care for a family friend or a neighbor without pay, volunteering to work in the concession stand during a game or tournament, baking goodies for first responders or writing letters to service personnel.  Note that service hours cannot be performed for family and no compensation should be received.  Bible teachers will provide more information and provide forms that students will turn in by the end of each semester to verify their service. 

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Please note that the school will require proof of medical insurance coverage in addition to a sports physical and other athletic department forms prior to a student participating in the school sports/co-curricular activities. Please log in to your FACTS Family Portal and go to School / Web Forms / Family Demographic Form / Student Medical Form and enter your insurance company name, policy number and expiration date. A copy of your insurance card is no longer required.

Elementary Summer Reading Challenge for Incoming First-Sixth Grade

Incoming First through Sixth Grade students have a few more days to work on the summer reading challenge! The challenge is based on the number of minutes a student reads and appeals equally to all ages and abilities. Readers will receive congratulatory medals when we return to school in August. Reading begins May 23. Email Mrs. Parker if you have any questions: [email protected].

  • How to Participate – Color one box on the Minute Log for every 10 minutes you read. There is no time limit to how many minutes you can read in a day, but it is better to read for smaller amounts of time every day than for long periods of time every now and then.
  • Logging Is Important! – Keep track of your Minute Log and return it to school by Friday, August 16. The log must be signed by the student and a parent. 
  • What Can You Read? – Students may read books, eBooks, magazines, graphic novels and nonfiction.
  • Set a Goal and Succeed! – Students will receive medals when we return to school in August: 600 minutes = Bronze, 1,000 minutes = Silver, 1,400 minutes = Gold, 1,750 minutes = WOW!
  • Incoming First & Second-Grade Parents – It is important for young readers to read independently and also engage in shared reading experiences, as both are critical to the process of learning to read. This challenge is intended to increase your child’s exposure to books and to create positive reading experiences over the summer. Therefore, both independent reading and reading aloud to your child will count towards minutes earned.

Enjoy your summer and happy reading! 😊

Middle School & High School Summer Assignments

All activity packets for secondary summer assignments can be found at the link below. The Warrior Warehouse has a limited supply of the required books. Please choose titles and activity packets based on student’s recommended ELA placement. Students should complete their reading and any related assignments as listed below prior to the first day of school, Wednesday, August 14.

Please let us know if you have moved or have a new phone number or email address since the start of last school year, have a new emergency contact or have an update in your student’s medical information.

Updates to address, phones, email or emergency contact information: 

Updates to your child’s medical information:

The Warrior Warehouse is located in the East Gym and is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Be sure to read Warrior Weekly which is delivered to your email inbox each Thursday. Warrior Weekly provides timely, important information as well as highlights from the week. If you are not receiving this email publication, please contact Laurie Sanders to be added to the distribution list.

School resumes Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 8 a.m. as scheduled.