Philosophy of Golf – Nine Core Values
1. Honesty
The quality or state of being truthful; not deceptive – Golf is unique from other sports in that players regularly call penalties on themselves and report their own score.
2. Integrity
Strict adherence to a standard of value or conduct; personal honesty and independence – Golf is a game of etiquette and composure. Players are responsible for their actions and personal conduct on the golf course even at times when others may not be looking.
3. Sportsmanship
Observing the rules of play and winning or losing with grace – Players must know and abide by the rules of golf and be able to conduct themselves in a kind and respectful manner towards others even in a competitive game.
4. Respect
To feel or show deferential regard for; esteem – In golf it is important to show respect for oneself, playing partners, fellow competitors, the golf course, and for the honor and traditions of the game.
5. Confidence
Reliance or trust. A feeling of self-assurance – Confidence plays a key role in the level of play that one achieves. Players can increase confidence in their abilities by being positive and focusing on something they are doing well regardless of the outcome.
6. Responsibility
Accounting for one’s actions; dependable – Players are responsible for their actions on the golf course. It is up to them to keep score, repair divots, rake bunkers, repair ball marks on the green, and keep up with the pace of play.
7. Perseverance
To persist in an idea, purpose or task despite obstacles – To succeed in golf, players must continue through bad breaks and their own mistakes, while learning from past experiences.
8. Courtesy
Considerate behavior toward others; a polite remark or gesture – A round of golf should begin and end with a handshake between fellow competitors. Players also should be still and quiet while others are preparing and performing a shot.
9. Judgment
The ability to make a decision or form an opinion; a decision reached after consideration – Using good judgment is very important in golf. It comes into play when deciding on strategy, club selection, when to play safe and when to take a chance, the type of shot players consider executing, as well as making healthy choices on and off the golf course.