Elementary Summer Reading Challenge for Incoming First-Sixth Grade

Incoming First through Sixth Grade students have a few more days to work on the summer reading challenge! The challenge is based on the number of minutes a student reads and appeals equally to all ages and abilities. Readers will receive congratulatory medals when we return to school in August. Reading begins May 23. Email Mrs. Parker if you have any questions: [email protected].

  • How to Participate – Color one box on the Minute Log for every 10 minutes you read. There is no time limit to how many minutes you can read in a day, but it is better to read for smaller amounts of time every day than for long periods of time every now and then.
  • Logging Is Important! – Keep track of your Minute Log and return it to school by Friday, August 16. The log must be signed by the student and a parent. 
  • What Can You Read? – Students may read books, eBooks, magazines, graphic novels and nonfiction.
  • Set a Goal and Succeed! – Students will receive medals when we return to school in August: 600 minutes = Bronze, 1,000 minutes = Silver, 1,400 minutes = Gold, 1,750 minutes = WOW!
  • Incoming First & Second-Grade Parents – It is important for young readers to read independently and also engage in shared reading experiences, as both are critical to the process of learning to read. This challenge is intended to increase your child’s exposure to books and to create positive reading experiences over the summer. Therefore, both independent reading and reading aloud to your child will count towards minutes earned.

Enjoy your summer and happy reading! 😊

Middle School & High School Summer Assignments

All activity packets for secondary summer assignments can be found at the link below. The Warrior Warehouse has a limited supply of the required books. Please choose titles and activity packets based on student’s recommended ELA placement. Students should complete their reading and any related assignments as listed below prior to the first day of school, Wednesday, August 14.