
Permit decals will be mailed to school families before the first day of school. These decals will serve as your preauthorized access to campus. Please remove and dispose of last year’s decals (if applicable). Place the new decal in the upper left of the driver’s side interior windshield (below the tint line, if applicable). In order to enter campus, please enter your access code on the touchscreen panel just outside the Jones Rd. entrance. The access code is available through FACTS Family Portal > School > Resource Documents > Gate Code Letter. More information on permit decals and campus vehicle procedures will be included in the mail-out.

  • To receive a student parking pass, junior and senior students and sophomores born in 2008 must complete the following:
    • Prior to August 13, complete the Student Vehicle Registration form located on FACTS Family Portal > School > Web Forms > Student Driver.
    • The student parking permit fee of $10 will be billed through the Family FACTS incidentals account.
    • Student parking permits may be picked up during Open House in the West Gym on August 13 from 1-3 p.m.
  • Students will not be allowed to park on campus without a student parking pass after Friday, August 16.