2024-2025 Carpool Procedures

Middle school students report to the West Gym from carpool drop-off no earlier than 7:30 a.m. High school students report to first period classrooms. Teachers supervise students until they begin their school day. For the safety of all, parents are not permitted to park their vehicle and walk their child(ren) onto campus. Student supervision begins at 7:30 a.m. The school does not provide supervision for students who are dropped off before that time.

After drop-off, students will report as follows:

  • Transitional kindergarten and kindergarten students go to the Elementary Lunchroom
  • First, second and third grade students go to the Secondary Lunchroom
  • Fourth and fifth grade students go to the West Gym Foyer
  • Middle school students will go to the West Gym
  • High school students will go to first period classrooms

After drop-off, students will report as follows:

Carpool tags are mandatory, will be assigned to all families and distributed during Open House on Tuesday, August 15.